Science, Space, and news from 'out there'
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Science, Space, and news from 'out there'
Scientific curiosities - developments in space and on planet earth
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Starship SN10 Test Flight | REACTION (LAWYER WIFE INCLUDED) | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |
The SpaceX team successfully attempted a high-altitude flight test of Starship serial number 10 (SN10) – their third high-altitude suborbital flight test of a Starship prototype from SpaceX’s site i
Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Space flight with current earth technology...

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Bad Astronomy | A solar flare in 774 AD changed Earth’s atmospheric chemistry

Bad Astronomy | A solar flare in 774 AD changed Earth’s atmospheric chemistry | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |

In the year 774 AD, an enormously powerful blast of matter and energy from space slammed into Earth. Nothing like it had been felt on this planet for 10,000 years.


A mix of high-energy light and hugely accelerated subatomic particles, when this wave impacted Earth it changed our atmospheric chemistry enough to be measured centuries later.


Our pre-electronic societies went entirely unaffected by it. But were this sort of event to happen today, the results would be bad.

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Our sun is a powerful engine of energetic activity, and for all our technological progress, we could find one day that we are no match for the forces of our star...

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Declassified Document Shows CIA Remote Viewing Galactic Federation Headquarters

Declassified Document Shows CIA Remote Viewing Galactic Federation Headquarters | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |

• The idea of a “galactic federation” of races that represent a benevolent force in our galaxy or universe is not a new idea. Channelers in telepathic communication with different groups of extraterrestrials have relayed this idea to the human race for many decades. This idea was recently sparked again when Haim Eshed, former head of Israel’s Defense Ministry’s space directorate, former general and respected professor revealed that the US and Israel have been in contact with intelligent extraterrestrials for quite a long time. He specifically referenced the “Galactic Federation”, emphasizing how they are waiting for humanity to evolve and that we are not quite ready for contact – a sentiment echoed by many. 


• The CIA operated a program known as the STARGATE Project which included a remote viewing program where psychically gifted people were trained to “see” something in a remote location, regardless of distance and proximity to the target, from a given location independent of the target. The US government program ran for 25 years before it was declassified and supposedly shut down. The program, however, was very successful and quite useful for the intelligence community. It’s safe to assume that the entire STARGATE program and its contents was not fully declassified. One common theme among many of the remote viewers’ targets is their heavy interest in the extraterrestrial phenomenon. Why? Did their experience spark an interest in something we haven’t been told? 


• One of the CIA’s declassified remote viewing sessions conducted in 1988 targeted the Earth headquarters for the Galactic Federation. (see remote viewing notes here) It’s unclear who the remote viewer is. (Names are usually listed.) First of all, where would the CIA get the idea to even look for some sort of galactic federation? It raises many questions. 


Read the whole article here 

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Slowly slowly, things about extraterrestrial civilizations and their activities here on earth are bubbling to the surface. Here is an article on the CIA's remote viewing program... 

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Bosnian Pyramids New Openings Lead to More Tunnels and 1000s of Artefacts

Bosnian Pyramids - In 2005, Bosnian born anthropologist Dr Sam Osmanagich announced to the world’s media his discovery, that a group of hills in the vicinity of Visoko, a small town in central Bosnia, were not hills at all but were in fact buried and forgotten Pyramids of both monumental size and extreme age. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the largest of the Bosnian Pyramids, is estimated to be at least 300m (900ft) tall. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, though smaller at 190m (600ft) tall, is still over 50m (150ft) taller than the Great Pyramid of Giza .

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Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Ancioent pyramids in Bosnia ... an investigation

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Scientists uncover principles of universal self-assembly

Scientists uncover principles of universal self-assembly | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |

For years, researchers have searched for the working principles of self-assembly that can build a cell (a complex biological organism) as well as a crystal (a far simpler inorganic material) in the same way. 


Now, a team of scientists in Turkey has demonstrated the fundamental principles of a universal self-assembly process acting on a range of materials—starting from a few atoms-large quantum dots up to nearly 100 trillion atoms-large human cells. Their method is highlighted in Nature Physics.


The whole articl is here..- 

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

very interesting ... that's the kind of research we need, understanding the basics. Lots of (good) applications possible... 

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Nothing can escape a black hole...or can it?

Nothing can escape a black hole...or can it? | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |

Nothing — not even light — can escape a black hole, right? Black holes might not be the fathomless cosmic graves we think they are. Most scientists believe that once matter falls past the event horizon (basically the point of no return), intense gravity means that matter is a goner. Emphasis on most.


Now physicist Niayesh Ashfordi of the University of Waterloo is challenging that belief based on the theory of gravitational wave “echoes” in spacetime that could mean not everything that dares to pass the event horizon will vanish forever. Enter quantum black holes. 


My take on this: 

Black holes seem to be a left-over of the gravitational understanding of the universe. If gravity was the principal force, it would make sense that nothing can escape a black hole.

As our understanding evolves that we are looking at electromagnetic more than gravitational forces in stars, we start to realize that our conception of black holes may be an artifact of perspective.

If, as I believe, magnetics is the principal force in stars, then it could well be that we get the impression of nothing escaping if we look at a "black hole" from an equatorial perspective.

Magnetic fields however do interact with the environment in the polar regions, what with polar jets and vortices.

So it would appear that what we see as black holes are simply super strength stars with such fast rotation and consequently a magnetic field of such strength that matter and even light has trouble "escaping" ... in the equatorial direction.

By extension, pulsars could be wobbling or precessioning black holes that we see from a polar direction in regular intervals... we see their jets as pulses whenever they are directly oriented towards us.

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Astrophysics is behind in understanding the predominantly electric nature of the universe, where magnetic forces dominate over the gravitational... and so we have mysterious objects we call "black holes"...

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Wal Thornhill: Big Bang – Time to Wipe the Chalkboard Clean | Space News 

Scientists generally use the term "crisis in cosmology" to describe the numerous and growing evidences that contradict or undermine the Big Bang theory.


For decades, numerous scientific papers have been published on the discordancy between the so-called expansion rate in the “early universe,” and the expansion rate in the “later Universe.”


In fact, recently the Keck Observatory issued a press release on the reported most reliable verification to date that the discordancy is real. And as we've reported ad nauseam on this series, the cosmological crisis runs much deeper and includes "surprising" discoveries at all scales throughout the cosmos.


In part one of this two-part presentation, physicist Wal Thornhill discusses some of the foundational problems with the standard cosmological model, and the real alternatives that the Electric Universe offers.


Direct link to the video 

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

A fundamental shift in cosmology, our understanding of the universe, is underway. Its communication is hindered at every turn, something any old dying paradigm, which our misguided physics is, will usually do. Here is Wal Thornhill on that shift away from "big bang" cosmology to an electric universe...

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In discussing the operating electromagnetic principles of cosmic plasma becoming focused onto a sun or galaxy, the plasma physicist David LaPoint referred to the magnetic fields that form in space, as The Primer Fields. His laboratory work with static experiments reflect the dynamic shapes produced in high-energy plasma discharge experiments produced at the Los Alamos National Laboratory by Anthony Peratt.


The results from both efforts support the long-developing theory of plasma cosmology, and the Sun being a plasma sphere powered from the outside by electric plasma fusion occurring on its surface.


On this basis a more truthful perception of the solar and climate dynamics comes to light, supported by large volumes of evidence, including for the ice age dynamics that cannot really be understood on any other basis.


This is part 1 of a 10-part series: Transcripts at 

See also an article by your truly, based largely on a previous video of Witzsche here 

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

The sun is powered by an electric plasma, not by hydrogen fusion as is widely believed by scientists. This opens the door to understanding ice ages as a periodic variation in the strength of the sun's plasma core...

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A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously

A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |

The new theory suggests that time does not PASS and that everything is ever-present.The researchers indicates that time should be regarded as a dimension of spacetime, as relativity theory holds — so it does not pass by us in some way, because spacetime doesn’t. 

Dr. Skow believes that in a so-called ‘block universe- a theory which states that the past, present and future exist simultaneously. 


In other words, this means that once an event has occurred, it continues to exist somewhere in space-time.

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Time isn't real, they say, but time does exist. It just doesn't pass in a linear fashion. According to new research, the past, present and future exist simultaneously. 

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The virus of Artificial Intelligence

The virus of Artificial Intelligence | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |
Artificial intelligence is a virus. It is a ‘program’ with the ability to hijack life, and it will sooner or later do so, if given the chance.

We need, as humanity, to develop our natural resistance to the virus of artificial intelligence that threatens humanity’s future development, if not the existence of humans as such …
Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

We are at a crucial point in the development of technology. Artificial intelligence threatens the future development of humanity as a life-affirming species. Can we turn this around?

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10 Prominent Scientists Refuting 'Manmade Global Warming' with Solid Research | Humans Are Free

10 Prominent Scientists Refuting 'Manmade Global Warming' with Solid Research | Humans Are Free | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |

There are an abundance of scientists refuting the idea of Manmade Global Warming or Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) with some very solid research.


The manmade global warming movement is riddled with corruption, having been exposed numerous times for fudging the data and cooking the books, notably in the Climategate scandal of the leaked East Anglia University emails. 


The science is far from settled. There are a plethora of scientists and researchers all over the world opposed to the notion of AGW, including the 1000+ dissenting scientists who signed the Climate Depot report, and the 31000+ who signed the OISM Global Warming Petition.

Read: Over 30,000 Scientists Declare Climate Change A Hoax

Below is a small sampling of well-known and respected scientists who explain why manmade global warming is a fallacy with a very political agenda – to bring in the One World Government...


To read the whole article, follow the link through the headline...

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Man made global warming, and consequently the climate change scare, are artificial constructs pushed with force and finance, and dissension is persecuted in many ways, denial of funding, ending of careers, ostracising of scientists. 

Despite all attempts to suppress discussion, scientists are now speaking up. Here is a small sample. 

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Supermassive Black Holes Suggest We May Be Very Wrong About How Our Universe Formed –

Supermassive Black Holes Suggest We May Be Very Wrong About How Our Universe Formed – | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |

At the center of two dwarf galaxies were found supermassive black holes even larger than the one in the Milky Way. 

The universe can be thought of as one big, continuously expanding space. An interesting theory about this expansion assumes that the universe could’ve spawned from a singularity — not the technological kind — similar to way that black holes are said to be the origin of galaxies. 


There’s much about the formation of galaxies and black holes that we don’t understand yet, let alone the very origins of the universe, but scientists continue to explore and evaluate this interesting theory. Now, a new study published in The Astronomical Journal is providing us with more clues about how black holes operate in the cosmos. 


Not long ago, supermassive black holes (SMBH) were thought to be found only in bigger galaxies, like the Milky Way. Then, a team of astronomers from the University of Utah found a SMBH at the center of an ultra-compact dwarf galaxy, which they concluded must be an uncommon occurrence. But now the team has found SMBH at the centers of two other dwarf galaxies named VUCD3 and M59cO.


Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Black holes seem to be a mathematically modelled bugbear. They "eat everything" ... except they don't. And they probably don't even exist as such. What we see are just incredibly energetic galactic creation events. The universe is alive...

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This documentary by Jose Escamilla is a real eye opener and anyone who is even remotely interested in UFO's and Space travel needs to see this. Mandatory material…
Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Life on the moon ... official cover-ups and much we're not being told.

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Short Film - History of the Extraterrestrial Agenda & the Coming Global Revolution

Some say there is a war in the heavens ... being played out on humanity's back. 
I am not sure about that whole story, but seeing that humans have been perpetually at war with each other, it does make some sense... 
Is it time for humanity to find its own way into the future, without any one of those factions determining things for us?


This short film presents the history of extraterrestrial intervention on Earth, and how competing factions have warred over humanity's destiny. Learn how Earth became a prison planet under the control of a negative group of extraterrestrials and their human proxies ( aka the Cabal/Deep State) that have historically manufactured poverty, disease and war. Discover what lies ahead as positive extraterrestrials work with an Earth Alliance of international leaders from major nations to free our planet, and usher in a new age of prosperity, freedom and becoming part of a Galactic Federation.

Video Links:
Exopolitics Website:
Feb 27, 2021 Webinar Intensive: The Earth Alliance, Full Disclosure & the Coming Global Revolution available on Vimeo:

Grateful thanks to Angelika Whitecliff for creating and producing this Short Film

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:
Some say there is a war in the heavens ... being played out on humanity's back.  Is it time for humanity to find its own way into the future, without any one of those factions determining things for us?
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Inner Earth Civilizations Exist & I Can Prove It

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Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Inner earth civilizatons ... perhaps not only stories. They are too persistent and too well aligned as they come from one culture or the other. Earth is habitable both inside and out, we just don't know, neither are we supposed to.

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FACT or FICTION Nazi Base in Antarctica UFO Documentary

For the first time, the legendary 2006 Russian documentary 'Third Reich - Operation UFO' in its entirety, fully translated into English is available for free.

FACT or FICTION Nazi Base in Antarctica UFO Documentary 


My view on it (Sepp): 


This is the story of the German presence, during and after the end of World War II, on the Antarctic continent.
It is thought that the Germans had advanced technology gleened from non-earth civilisations, and that from their initial stronghold on the cold Southern continent, which they called "Neuschwabenland", they went on to build a presence in space, throughout and even beyond our solar system. Their space force, which some call "Nachtwaffen", is one of several covert Space Programs originating from earth, all of them still unacknowledged to us earth humans.
The advanced technologies used by those programs could easily make energy scarcity a thing of the past, but evidently we are not considered important enough in the grand scheme of things to have such tech. We're literally the slave race that keeps all of this activity going...
Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Evidently things are going on in space that we have no idea about. This Russian documentary with English subs gives us a glimpse of how the German elite after WW II went into space.. Do you agree that it is high time for full disclosure?

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Technocracy: the Road to a “Scientific” Dictatorship. Patrick Wood

The author of Technocracy Rising and other books, Patrick Wood studies trends that are transforming global politics, economics, and education.


In this video he discusses the trend to try and control humanity by rule of the experts or technocracy. 


Wood traces the history of technocracy and scientism and warns that today, we are confronted with a movement that wants to do away with any notion of independence, bringing humanity under the total control of those "experts". 


"Technocracy is the scioence of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distibute goods and services to the entire population..." 
Quoted from The Technocrat, 1938

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Wood traces the history of technocracy and scientism and warns that today, we are confronted with a movement that wants to do away with any notion of independence, bringing humanity under the total control of those "experts". 

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Covert Colonization of Space and Project HORIZON

With the success of the burgeoning secret space program, innovative technological achievements push the frontier of the program far beyond potential threats on Earth. Thus a new civilization is born, hidden away under the surface of the moon and secret bases on Mars. This covert colonization of space, including the continuing construction of space vehicles and the massive effort to fund it, must be protected at all costs. So new degrees of deceptions are developed to keep these secrets away from the public and the prying eyes of government officials, as well.

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Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Is there more going on in space than we are told? It would seem so according to this documentary video.

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Third Reich Operation UFO ( Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary (remastered)

For the first time, the legendary 2006 Russian documentary 'Third Reich - Operation UFO' in its entirety, fully translated into English and available for free viewing.

The film explores the historical mysteries and rumours of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrd's ill-fated 'Operation Highjump' expedition and the occult origins of Third Reich anti-gravity engines, flying discs and ancient Atlantean technologies viewed through the lens of perhaps the three most mysterious twentieth century German organizations of all: the 'Thule Society, 'Vril Society' and the 'Ahnenerbe'

One of the core themes of the film is the alleged existence of 'Base 211', the legendary underground Nazi base in the Antarctica. Drawing upon the pre-war Nazi interest in Antarctica and the creation of 'New Swabia'; the testimony of German U-Boat submarine commanders and the alleged disappearance of thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers at the end of the war, personnel that cannot be accounted for by the Vatican and Odessa 'rat lines' or American 'Operation Paperclip' activities. In addition, the film analyses the actual geo-physical possibilities of an underground base in Antarctica.

The other core theme is the alleged existence of a Nazi flying saucer program ...

I can't get sound from it, but there are English subtitles. See the documentary here: 

Another link (youtube) where the sound works... 

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Second world war ... the post war history has large chunks missing, secreted by the Americans who were defeated in Antarctica by what appears to have been technologically advanced German forces with bases there...

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Science DOES NOT Tell You What You Think It Does.

Science DOES NOT Tell You What You Think It Does. | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |

As I sit here and ponder this I am perplexed. A perplexion that will not change. 


We as a collective people have a gigantic blind spot. One that should be obvious to all in its implications and implementations into all parts of our lives. A true piece of occulted knowledge right in front of everyone’s eyes and intellects.


This is so profoundly occulted that even the most intelligent don’t see it or choose not to. They may have glimmered the idea for a while but have ultimately forgotten it or refuse to discuss it... 

See the whole article here

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Highly recommended reading ... the blind spot of science. 

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It is generally not known that an alternative Electric Sun model was proposed in 1979 by the engineer Ralph Juergens. It explains simply the critical longevity of all electric lights — it is plugged into a galactic circuit.


And galactic circuits are the basis of Plasma Cosmology, which is ignored by astrophysicists but was developed by experimental plasma scientists and engineers in the 20th century. Plasma Cosmology is simply explanative and has proven to be predictive — quite unlike mathematical big bang cosmology.


Only in the last few years have the circumstances arisen to enable the more recent Electric Sun model to be tested. Called the SAFIRE Project, the cutting edge engineering firm Aurtas International Inc. was contracted by The International Science Foundation to experimentally test the Electric Sun Model.


Aurtas International Inc. is an independent body, which has no affiliation with The Electric Universe or The Thunderbolts Project. Recently, the SAFIRE team shared an extraordinary update on their results to date.


Also see: The SAFIRE Project 2019 update 


Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Despite what our "best science" tells us, the sun is NOT a nuclear fusion furnace. Its nature is that of electric plasma, strong enough to light up the skies and to hold our system of planets together. There are electric filaments of energetic connection between the sun and other stars, as well as between the sun and all the planets. Real physical evidence of this says we need to re-think all of cosmology...

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Three remote viewers at farsight institute describing a "war in heaven" that happened in this solar system, between the planetary civilizations of Mars and another planet (Maldek) which was destroyed, the leftovers of which we now call the asteroid belt. 

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Three remote viewers at farsight institute describing a "war in heaven" that happened in this solar system, between the planetary civilizations of Mars and another planet (Maldek) which was destroyed, the leftovers of which we now call the asteroid belt. 

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The Holy Grail of Restoration – Kosmos Journal

The Holy Grail of Restoration – Kosmos Journal | Science, Space, and news from 'out there' |

Seen from space,­ the Sinai Peninsula looks like a beating heart, with arteries and veins flowing to nurture the body. Clues from geologic time, evolution, and human history are all etched on the exposed soils.


If one knows how to read this landscape, it is possible to see that rivers flowed through the Sinai over vast evolutionary time. Even now, there are periodic flash floods when, because of the degraded landscape, rain that would nurture the land flows immediately into the sea.


This strategic land is literally at the heart of early western civilization, situated at the intersection between Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East. Figuring prominently in the cosmologies of western religions, the Sinai has had an immense impact on human civilization in both historical and contemporary times.


Some of the earliest human mining of minerals took place in the Sinai. Repeatedly emerging cultures vied for this prized real estate. Humanity has been moved by poetry and art emanating from the region, but conflict and suffering have emerged as well. 


For several hundred generations, humans have altered the habitat of living aquatic, plant, animal, bird, microbial, and fungal communities with devastating effects to the region’s ecology. Over historical time, the vegetative cover and evolutionary biodiversity of the Sinai has been in large part lost.


Imagine the importance if it were possible to restore the region to ecological health... 

Read whole article here 

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

John D Liu on how to put our energies into restoring the natural beauty and fertility of the earth, instead of trying to carve up an ever diminishing cake and end up fighting over the remaining crumbs. 

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UFOs & Space Collateralization | Joseph P Farrell

Joseph P Farrell at the Secret Space Program Conference, 2014 San Mateo (presentation 2)


Title: UFOs, the Tower of Babel Moment, and Space Collateralization and Commercialization:


An Analysis of Worst Case Scenario Policy Formation of the Breakaway Civilization


Run time: 1.07.35 min


Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Joseph P Farrell on the background and the military "necessity" of a secret space program with capabilities vastly more advanced than the public-consumption space program run by NASA. 

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SPACE "Object" Like "Nothing Seen Before"

Unexplained very luminous phenomenon recently discovered... 

Sepp Hasslberger's insight:

Unexplained very luminous phenomenon recently discovered... 

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