Robin Good: If you are interested in improving your credibility / reputation online here is a good list of recommendations from John Follis at SmallBizTrends.
From the original article: "Whatever your business, product, or service, credibility is key. It’s also true with your personal reputation.
On that note, the information that appears, or doesn’t appear, whenever your name is searched on the Internet is a litmus test of your personal and professional credibility.
It’s called G-cred.
To help with that G-cred, here are 9 things you can do:"
Recommended. 8/10
Full article:
Your goal with any online profile should be one thing - to gain credibility! Showcase your success, and fill in ALL the blanks.
Qualunque sia la vostra attività, prodotto o servizio, la credibilità è la base della vostra reputazione personale. In tal senso, le informazioni visualizzate o non visualizzate, ogni volta che il vostro nome viene cercato su Internet, sono una cartina di tornasole della credibilità personale e professionale. Si chiama G-cred .