Personal Branding World
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Personal Branding World
How to best market, present and showcase your best talent and work
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
July 24, 2013 8:02 AM!

Curate Your Visual Appearance Across Social Media with the AP Social Media Image Maker

Curate Your Visual Appearance Across Social Media with the AP Social Media Image Maker | Personal Branding World |

Robin Good's insight:

The Social Media Image Maker from Autre Planète is a free web-based tool which simplifies your job of creating and personalizing your profile or official page banner image across all major social media channels.

The Social Media Image Maker supports Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest, Vimeo, LinkedIN and several more.

To use it, you simply go to and you click on the social media channel for which you would like to create a custom profile image or banner.

You are provided with all the tools you need to crop, resize, filter and modify your image so that it fits the specific size requirements of each and every platform.

My comment: Excellent tool for non-techies who want to straighten up their profile images around the web with a friendly and powerful helping hand.

Free to use.

Try it out now:

Deborah Fillman's curator insight, November 3, 2013 11:28 PM

How convenient!

Robin Martin's curator insight, December 2, 2013 2:39 PM

Awesome! Thanks for sharing this Robin! This will save me tons of time!

Scooped by Robin Good
July 15, 2012 1:54 PM!

A Mask That Stands For Who You Are: The Art of Logo Design | PBS

Robin Good: Excellent PBS video illustrating through the faces and voices of several brand designers the history and role of logo design. From prehistorical times until today logo design has been always an activity characterized by the need to communicate easily and effectively what a person or an organization is about and (in some cases) the character and the traits its stands for (think of aristocratic or noble shields).

"Utilizing a silent vocabulary of colors, shapes, and typography, logo designers give a visual identity to companies and organizations of all types."

"Logo designers need to have a sense of what the company wants his personality to be, and then it "manufactures" this mask... and the logo is essentualy a mask, an identifier, that stands in for who you are"

Featured in the video:
Stephen Heller,
Sagi Haviv,
Kelli Anderson,
Gerard Huerta,

Great visual gallery of examples commented in real-time by those who made them. 8/10


(Thanks to MarketingHits for uncovering this gem)

Barbara Rc's comment, February 19, 2013 12:42 PM
La imagen que una empresa pueda tener se refleja en su logotipo o frase característica, se considera como un personal bran ya que es la imagen que la empresa da al mundo de lo que hace.
Scooped by Robin Good
May 13, 2012 9:08 AM!

Personal Branding: Write Your Story Before Someone Else Does

Personal Branding: Write Your Story Before Someone Else Does | Personal Branding World |

From the original article by Merry Richter: "Your brand is the sum total of your reputation, both personal and professional.

It’s a representation of your skills, character, trustworthiness, dedication, honesty, work ethic, appearance, and personality.

Basically every aspect of yourself that employers, co-workers, friends and family care about…everything that makes you YOU."

Robin Good: But the issue is, how can you take control, steer and direct your personal activities online so that they contribute to build up a "brand" that reflects your key strength and abilities?

"It’s scary to realize that some portion of your brand is being determined and communicated by other people, but in the age of hyper-social sharing, commenting and endorsing on the sites we all know and love, that’s exactly what’s happening.

So now, more than ever, it’s essential to take control of your brand. Write your own story before someone else writes it for you.

The first aspect of this is fairly obvious: live up to your own hype.

Deliver on the promises (implied and otherwise) that you’ve made..."

Basic. 7/10

Full article: 

Barbara Rc's curator insight, February 19, 2013 12:46 PM

Tener una imagen frente al mundo no solo refleja quien eres como personas, tambien es necesario para una empresa para que los clientes persivan la valides de la misma.

Scooped by Robin Good
February 5, 2013 5:02 AM!

Create Your Professional Profile and CV Page Online with Epik CV

Create Your Professional Profile and CV Page Online with Epik CV | Personal Branding World |
Robin Good's insight:

Epik CV is a free web app which allows anyone to create a highly visual, professional-looking and well organized curriculum vitae online.

Epik CV is organized around four key content and presentation areas:

1) a "Timeline" which displays your professional work engagements up to


2) a "Profile" where you can provide personal info,

3) a "Portfolio" where you can showcase your work in images and clips,

4) a "Text" area where you can post additional text-based info about yourself.

Epik CV can import data directly from LinkedIN and populate your CV with that information in no time at all.

Your completed Epik CV can be set to be "private" or "public", in which case it can be shared with anyone by way of a direct link to your public page or by exporting it as a PDF document.

Free to use.



Try it out now:

LLatipi's curator insight, February 6, 2013 8:08 AM

Really cool...

Victor Alejandro Polanco Frías's curator insight, March 12, 2013 11:56 AM

Para redactar una Hoja de Vida fascinante

senameintr's curator insight, June 30, 2015 1:41 AM

Epic CV is a free app by which you can create a professional CV page. 

Scooped by Robin Good
May 14, 2012 9:33 AM!

Credibility Builders: 9 Things To Pay Attention To

Credibility Builders: 9 Things To Pay Attention To | Personal Branding World |

Robin Good: If you are interested in improving your credibility / reputation online here is a good list of recommendations from John Follis at SmallBizTrends.

From the original article: "Whatever your business, product, or service, credibility is key. It’s also true with your personal reputation.

On that note, the information that appears, or doesn’t appear, whenever your name is searched on the Internet is a litmus test of your personal and professional credibility.

It’s called G-cred.

To help with that G-cred, here are 9 things you can do:"

Recommended. 8/10

Full article: 

Renee Stuart's curator insight, February 14, 2013 11:11 PM

Your goal with any online profile should be one thing - to gain credibility! Showcase your success, and fill in ALL the blanks.

Paola Cinti's curator insight, May 18, 2013 3:21 AM

Qualunque sia la vostra attività, prodotto o servizio, la credibilità è la base della vostra reputazione personale. In tal senso, le informazioni visualizzate o non visualizzate, ogni volta che il vostro nome viene cercato su Internet, sono una cartina di tornasole della credibilità personale e professionale. Si chiama G-cred .

Scooped by Robin Good
April 29, 2012 9:52 AM!

Online Resume Builders: Create a Professionally-Looking CV In Minutes with Resumonk

Online Resume Builders: Create a Professionally-Looking CV In Minutes with Resumonk | Personal Branding World |

Robin Good: Resumonk is an online resume builder that saves you money and time by helping you create professional and beautiful resumes.

Key features: 

- Fill in your details approach

- Intuitive interface

- Manage and edit multiple resumes

- Chhose from templates collection

- Save your resume as a PDF

- Publish it on a unique URL

- Share via email, Facebook and Twitter.

Available templates gallery: 


Find out more: 

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